Psychologist near me that speak spanish. Best spanish therapist online

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Psychologist near me that speak spanish. Best spanish therapist online

The mental health crisis that Hispanics are facing is growing. As a matter of fact, they are the fastest-growing group experiencing difficulties in their mental health. This is a tragedy because there aren’t enough Spanish-speaking therapists to meet the needs of the Hispanic population today in 2021. In the United States, only 5.5% of the psychologists can speak Spanish, but 18% of the population is Hispanic according to the American Psychological Association. In addition to that, only about 50% of psychologists can state that they know anything about Hispanic culture. This is highly unfortunate because therapists must know and understand the culture of their patients to adequately treat them. Research has determined that people communicate best in their native languages, and they may become frustrated and stop attending their therapy sessions only because their therapists cannot understand them.

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Best psychologists near me who speak spanish - BetterHelp.

BetterHelp is an online platform that has Spanish-speaking therapists and psychologists. The environment is highly professional and is also affordable. The website makes it easy for you to find a Spanish-speaking therapist, but it also serves as a place where you will receive your therapy. Every state in the union has a gap between the number of Spanish-speaking therapists and the number of people in need of these services. The fact that BetterHelp offers therapy online makes it possible to close the gap and provide mental health services for people anywhere that they may be.

All you need to do to meet with a therapist is send a message to your counselor and then you can set up a session by phone, video or live chat. Several of BetterHelp’s therapists speak Spanish, so you will not have any difficulties finding a therapist.

How does online therapy in spanish work

How does online therapy in spanish work?

To begin therapy at BetterHelp, you must sign up for the platform and take a questionnaire. The questionnaire serves the purpose of letting the system get to know you so that it can find you the best therapist. For example, it will ask you if you have ever had therapy before and how you are feeling at the moment. The system’s algorithm takes your answers and pairs you up with a therapist, and this therapist will send you a message. If you feel uneasy with your therapist, you are free to request another one.

Your counselor at BetterHelp will be able to communicate with you in Spanish and fully understand what your thoughts and concerns are. That is because your therapist will not just be able to speak Spanish; he or she will also understand your culture and your experience of being from another country and living in the United States.

What makes therapy from a bilingual psychologist from BetterHelp stand out?

Because you don’t have to be physically close to your therapist, more people can have access to therapy with a bilingual psychologist. Many people in the Hispanic community work long hours and are unable to keep an appointment on a weekday. You can schedule your appointments at any time of the day or week with BetterHelp, so there isn’t anything that prevents you from receiving the treatment you need.

Language plays such a significant role that it is the reason that Hispanics fail to receive adequate counseling. When they cannot communicate in their native language, the therapist cannot always understand exactly what they are saying. It prevents the patient and therapist from having a close relationship. That’s why traditional English-speaking therapists offer such poor services to the Hispanic community. These patients may begin to believe that they cannot receive the care they want from their therapists. When this occurs, they tend to stop attending their therapy sessions. Thankfully, this does not occur with bilingual therapists.

The answer is not providing interpreters during sessions between an English-speaking therapist and a Spanish-speaking client. The client may continue to have difficulties communicating his or her thoughts and feelings with an English-speaking therapist and may become dissatisfied with therapy and drop out. A Spanish-speaking therapist is truly the best solution to the language barrier.

A Bilingual psychologist is better because the client can be authentic when expressing his or her emotions. Also, the fact that a psychologist makes an effort to learn the patient’s language causes the therapist to appear to be more competent, respectful and interested in the client. It also has the effect of improving the relationship between the therapist and the client.

Therapy improves because the therapist doesn’t miss any of the cultural nuances that come out during therapy. This is not what occurs with an English-speaking therapist, and it causes the therapist to miss important clues that prevent him or her from helping the client. Because a therapist will miss important clues, he or she may come to the wrong conclusions. These wrong conclusions may lead to the wrong diagnosis, and the care the patient receives would be extremely faulty.

In addition to the above, being bilingual makes a psychologist a better therapist. For example, as people learn a second language, they also become better at finding solutions to problems. This is a great skill for a therapist to have. Learning a second language also stimulates a person’s creative side, and therapists benefit from the ability to be creative in their therapy sessions.

Bilingual clients also benefit from therapy with Spanish-speaking therapists. Although they speak English, being able to communicate in Spanish makes it possible for them to express themselves more passionately because it is their native language. These therapy sessions are better for these clients because they know that their therapists understand them, so they feel comfortable sharing their intimate emotions during therapy. This is necessary if their therapy is going to succeed.

In addition to all of the benefits listed above, the therapists on BetterHelp all obtained their licenses and received training in their professions. The therapists all possess a master’s degree or a doctorate. The psychologists are also licensed and have their doctorates. All therapists and psychologists are certified by the professional boards of their states, and they have at least three years of experience practicing their professions.

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Pricing Spanish-speaking therapist near me

Pricing: Spanish-Speaking therapist near me.

BetterHelp charges for therapy sessions with a subscription plan. Under this plan, the system will bill you $60 to $90 every week. After four weeks, it will bill your credit card or PayPal account. You can cancel your subscription at any time. During the month, you will be free to set up appointments with your therapist on your laptop, phone, live chat or video. Your payment also entitles you to use the BetterHelp website as often as you like.

Conclusion: Psychologist near me who speaks spanish through BetterHelp.

Providing more Spanish-speaking psychologists and therapists gives more people the chance to obtain therapy for their mental health issues. The need for the Hispanic community principally exists in urban areas and cities. BetterHelp’s ability to offer these services online is closing the gap that exists between the Hispanic population and the rest of society. The experience is better for this population because they feel heard and understood, and this results in better outcomes for their therapy sessions. It is a win-win situation for both client and therapist.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.