Best couples sex therapy online. Couples sex counseling coach review

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Best couples sex therapy online

Sex is often an important element in romantic partnerships, but it can also cause major hangups. You’re far from alone if you’re experiencing intimacy issues with your partner. Sometimes, love and mutual desire aren’t enough to get both sides of a couple on the same page in the bedroom. When the sex-related struggles start taking a serious toll on the health of the relationship, it might be time to seek professional assistance.

While you can always take part in therapy alone, it’s always best to have both partners involved. Sex is an interpersonal activity, and sexual issues usually revolve around how you and your partner relate to each other. Bringing both individuals into a clinical setting allows you to have an open discussion about sex in a safe environment. Oftentimes, this dialogue alone is enough to reinvigorate a couple’s sex life.

Getting both partners to a physical therapist’s office can be a logistical nightmare, but online counseling offers a simple alternative. With modern technology, there’s no reason you have to be in the same room as a therapist. Not only can remote counseling offer all the same benefits as traditional therapy, but it can also provide additional advantages. ReGain, a renowned company with a team of accredited therapists and a user-friendly format, is a great place to start your online counseling journey. You’ll be amazed how quickly remote conversations can bring meaningful, tangible results.

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Best online service for couples sex therapy: ReGain

When opting for online therapy, it’s important to use a reputable provider like ReGain. The service’s expert counselors ensure you can always trust the person on the other end of the online chats, while the practical digital format is designed to increase accessibility and convenience. The platform matches each couple with an experienced therapist who specializes in sex counseling. Once your subscription has begun, you can communicate with this therapist at your leisure. By combining clinical excellence with practical convenience, ReGain offers the best remote counseling experience on the web.

How ReGain’s sex therapy service works

ReGain is a subscription therapy service that matches you with a counselor and lets you communicate with them as long as you continue paying for the service. This format maximizes flexibility and allows you to seek counseling on your own terms. Both you and your partner will communicate with your counselor in a private chat room, and you can post new messages whenever you want. This dynamic allows conversations to happen at whatever pace suits your schedule, habits, and needs. If remote counseling sounds like something that could revive your sex life and improve your relationship, sign up for the platform today.


ReGain will ask you for some background information about your situation when you first sign up for the platform. You’ll be able to describe what it is you’re struggling with and what type of counselor you’re hoping to find. The platform will use this information to choose your therapist, picking the best candidate out of a pool of individual contractors available on the service. If you’re on the site specifically for assistance with intimacy issues, the system will match you with a therapist who specializes in sex counseling.

Access to the private chat

Once you’ve received your accredited sex counselor, you’ll be given access to a private chat room where all communication on the site will take place. This digital space will serve as the counselor’s office. You and your partner can leave messages whenever you want, and the therapist will respond to them as quickly as they can. In some cases, you may exchange messages one at a time over the course of a day. At other moments, you can arrange to all participate in the chat at the same time and carry on a steady, in-depth conversation. Together, these discussions will help you overcome whatever is holding you back in the bedroom.

The sex counseling process

On ReGain, you’ll engage in a virtual form of the talking therapy that sex counselors have been using for decades. This method is derived from the idea that you need to talk about intimacy issues before you can solve them. Sex is often an uncomfortable topic even for people in a physical relationship. Your ReGain counselor will use their expertise to encourage an honest conversation in the digital safe space of the chat room. As both partners reveal more about their inner anxieties and concerns, the therapist will start to understand what’s causing your intimacy issues. With the underlying causes finally out in the open, you’ll then work together to come up with potential solutions.

What makes ReGain’s sex therapy stand out

What makes ReGain’s sex therapy stand out

ReGain stands out from its competitors by offering consistent access to top-of-the-line counselors. Not only are the platform’s therapists among the best in the business, but they’re also consistently available through your private chat room. By providing this type of service in a secure online space and at a remarkably reasonable place, ReGain makes itself the best option for receiving sex therapy online.

Experienced, accredited counselors

ReGain’s high standards and thorough vetting ensure that only the best counselors appear on the platform. All therapists have received advanced degrees in psychology, meaning they possess the clinical and theoretical knowledge necessary to properly judge the specifics of your case. They're also fully licensed in their home states, which proves they’ve completed the requisite hours of practical training. Having seen countless cases similar to yours, they’ll recognize intricate dynamics and underlying causes that a less experienced therapist might miss.

Accessibility, flexibility, and convenience

While a traditional therapist is only available during scheduled sessions and occasionally through the phone, remote counselors on ReGain are always a message away. You can access your private chat room as long as your subscription is valid. Even if your counselor can’t answer right away, you’ll still benefit from the chat room’s availability. Sometimes, you might want to share a new idea while it’s still fresh in your mind. At other moments, you’ll need to look back and reread something your counselor has said. ReGain’s system allows your counselor to be a constant presence in your life.

Total privacy

There’s nothing as private as what goes on in the bedroom. When talking about such intimate issues on the internet, you’ll want a guarantee of total privacy. ReGain’s entire model, from the counselors themselves to the online system, is designed to prevent awkward or embarrassing leaks. The therapists are committed to the complete discretion that their profession demands, while the platform allows you to use a nickname in daily interactions. Your actual contact information will remain hidden and protected within the depths of the system, and all the messages are entirely encrypted. These safeguards allow you to unpack your emotional and sex-related issues without having to worry about the details leaving the digital space.

Affordable pricing

Sky-high prices hold many would-be clients back from pursuing traditional, in-person therapy. ReGain’s online model circumvents many of therapy’s traditional costs to provide an affordable alternative. Your subscription on the platform will only cost $60-$90 per month, a remarkably low price considering the service’s transformative potential.

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Sex counseling explained

A sex counselor is a trained therapist who specializes in intimacy-related issues. They focus on the underlying causes of sexual problems to help their clients have a better time in the bedroom. With an acute knowledge of the cultural and psychological hangups around sex, they are perfectly placed to help restore the spice to a physical relationship.

There are all sorts of reasons why a couple may speak with a sex counselor. Sometimes, the problem is a lack of desire on the part of one or both partners. In other cases, sex is not as satisfying as the couple would like it to be. This sexual disappointment could derive from a psychological disconnect or a physical issue.

Sex therapists are trained to understand what’s going wrong in an intimate relationship. They’ll listen to both partners discuss the issue, and then they’ll offer recommendations. By putting their advice into practice, you should be able to improve the physical side of your relationship.

Sex therapy is an ongoing process. You might solve some problems just to begin working on others. You might find a recommendation from a therapist was somewhat helpful but still failed to solve the problem altogether. Week by week, you’ll work with the therapist to tweak your strategy in search of the results you’re after. Eventually, your persistence will pay off in the form of marked improvements in your sex life.

Conclusion: Online sex counseling for couples

No matter how much two people love and desire each other, intimacy issues can still cause trouble in the relationship. When your sex life isn’t living up to expectations, a professional sex counselor is usually the best person to provide assistance. While in-person sex therapy can be time-consuming and expensive, remote counseling from ReGain is convenient, affordable, and, most importantly, effective. To get your love life back on track, sign up for the platform and start your subscription today.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.