Life counseling center. The best life counseling services online

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Life counseling center. The best life counseling services online

Navigating a human life is far from easy. Not only are you a complicated being with all sorts of indecipherable internal contradictions, but you also have to operate in the world alongside other beings that are just as complex. Sometimes, dealing with such an intricate set of circumstances is easier with professional help. That's where life counseling comes in.

People often find themselves trapped within their fears, obsessions, and expectations. An outsider can free you from this self-induced paralysis by providing a new perspective. While friends and relatives are often on hand to offer this type of advice, you might find yourself with certain issues that could benefit from professional input. Counselors are trained in psychology, and they know how to recognize and resolve personal issues. Working with a counselor is often the best way to improve your mental well-being and strengthen your relationships.

The internet has made professional life counseling more accessible than ever before. Nowadays, you can use online platforms to communicate directly with experienced therapists. This method provides all the benefits of traditional in-person counseling with none of the inconvenience. There are countless online counseling services to choose from. BetterHelp is great for individual life counseling, while ReGain is ideal for couples and families. Faithful Counseling, meanwhile, is the best choice for a Christian-based approach. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which program meets your needs.

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Best for individual counseling: BetterHelp

BetterHelp is the best of all the online therapy services when it comes to individual counseling. In its simplest form, life counseling consists of a series of conversations between an individual and a therapist. If this is the type of service you’re looking for, then BetterHelp is the best option on the web. This online service boasts accredited, experienced therapists who can help you with all sorts of personal issues.

Clients have successfully used Betterhelp for:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Trauma
  • Relationship Issues

Whether you’re dealing with just one of these problems, a combination of several, or some other personal issue, you can use BetterHelp to look for solutions. Individual counseling is a recognized method for underlining problems and tackling them directly. The counselors on BetterHelp can help you identify the root causes of your issues and recommend lasting solutions. The lessons gained from these conversations will help you build a stronger, healthier, and happier version of yourself.

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How does the life counseling platform work

How does the life counseling platform work?

BetterHelp is designed to make it as simple as possible for clients to receive high-quality counseling. Once you’ve registered for the program, BetterHelp will match you with one of their accredited therapists. From there, you’ll be able to communicate with your assigned therapists at your convenience. This model provides the type of flexibility that in-person counseling services could never effectively offer.

There are four different ways to communicate with your therapist:

  • Online messages
  • Live chats
  • Phone calls
  • Video conferencing

As a BetterHelp subscriber, you won’t have to choose between these modes of communication. You can alternate between them at your convenience. The ability to send a quick message one day and place a phone call the next is a big part of BetterHelp’s appeal. Sign up for the platform to see if these methods are right for you.

What sets BetterHelp apart

BetterHelp provides the talented counselors and functional platform necessary for online counseling to succeed. By going the extra mile, the company ensures its clients have easy access to the very best providers.

When it comes to therapists, BetterHelp goes above and beyond to maintain its high standards. All providers are carefully vetted before they’re brought onto the platform. Not only must all counselors show they’re fully accredited, but they also complete a practical exam and undergo an interview to prove their abilities. If this vetting process doesn’t leave you satisfied, you can even conduct additional research on your assigned therapist with the tools provided by the platform. All of this is designed to give you the utmost confidence in your counselor’s credentials.

In addition to providing excellent counselors, BetterHelp has the digital infrastructure necessary to make communication with these counselors as simple as possible. The platform’s flexibility is a major advantage for most clients. Being able to choose when, how often, and how you talk with your counselor allows you to bend the experience to your own needs. Whatever you want to get out of your individual counseling, you’ll be able to achieve your goals on a platform as accessible as BetterHelp.


Therapy with BetterHelp costs between $60 and $90 per week. You’ll be charged for your subscription every four weeks, either through Paypal or with a credit card. In another example of Betterhelp’s exemplary flexibility, you can cancel your service whenever you choose.

Best for couples and families: ReGain

ReGain, an online counseling platform similar to BetterHelp, is the best option for clients seeking family or couples therapy. Sometimes, the issues you face have less to do with your personal struggles and more to do with the relationships you share with the people around you. When you’re struggling to build the connection you crave with a partner or other loved ones, counseling can provide you with the support you need.

ReGain’s platform is specially designed to make couple and family counseling easier. You and your partner or relatives can share a single therapist and communicate effectively within the online system. By making it as easy as possible to build an open dialogue, ReGain sets you up to repair and strengthen your life’s most vital relationships.

How does the ReGain platform work

How does the ReGain platform work?

ReGain matches you and your loved ones with an experienced, accredited therapist, then puts you all together in a private chat room where you can discuss whatever issues you’re facing. Having all interested parties participate in the chat will help get everyone on the same page. When people can communicate effectively, they have an easier time developing lasting solutions to their problems.

Relationship counseling generally sticks to a plan that’s worked for decades. Whether you’re using ReGain or another online service, you can expect your counselor to take you through the following steps:

  • First, the counselor will foster an honest, open conversation.
  • Then, you’ll work with the counselor to determine what’s causing the problem.
  • Next, your counselor will offer recommendations or suggest strategies for overcoming the issues.
  • Finally, it’s your turn to put the counselor’s recommendations into action.

Counseling is a great method for overcoming obstacles and building a more fulfilling life. A professional counselor might not be able to solve all your problems, but they can certainly point you toward potential solutions. To get started with ReGain, talk to your partner or your relatives and sign up for the platform today.


ReGain’s services are available on a subscription basis. You’ll pay between $60 and $90 for each week of access to the platform, and you’ll be charged automatically every four weeks. Users can pay by credit card or through Paypal. You can quit the program and end your subscription whenever you’d like. This allows you to use ReGain only as long as you feel it’s beneficial.

Best for christian-based counseling: Faithful counseling

Faithful Counseling is the best online counseling service for Christians who want a counselor who takes their beliefs into account. Faith is a defining characteristic of many people’s lives, and counseling can be more effective when Christianity is part of the equation. At Faithful Counseling, all therapists understand what it’s like to have a relationship with Christ. By incorporating faith into the counseling process, they can provide you with a Christian approach to personal development.

What is Faithful counseling?

Faithful Counseling is a Christian-based online therapy service that helps believers improve their lives and their relationships. While the therapy process is similar to that provided by secular services, the counselors at Faithful Counseling will address your issues from a Christian perspective. For many practicing Christians, this faith-based approach provides a greater sense of comfort and brings more positive results.

Like the counselors on most online platforms, the professionals at Faithful Counseling are fully accredited and easily accessible. What they also offer that other services lack is knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. The counselors at Faithful Counseling will be as familiar with the Bible as they are with the latest clinical studies. This puts them in the perfect position to help practicing Christians overcome their struggles and build a better life. If you think Faithful Counseling is best for you, sign up for the platform today.

Conclusion: Choose the life counseling service that’s right for you

To get the most out of your online counseling experience, it’s important to choose the right service. If you’re interested in individual counseling, then Betterhelp is the platform for you. For couples or family counseling, then ReGain is the premier option. If it’s a Christian counseling service you’re after, Faithful Counseling is worth considering. Whatever it is you’re looking for, you’re bound to find an online platform that meets your needs.

Don’t suffer alone when professional help is available. Get started on one of these platforms today. Before you know it, you’ll be using your counselor’s advice to become a healthier, happier person.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.