Online christian premarital counseling sessions. Pre marriage Q & A

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Online christian premarital counseling sessions. Pre marriage Q & A

Everyone wants their marriage to last, but most of us are unprepared for the many obstacles and troubles that can derail even a good marriage. One of the best ways to give your marriage a head start is to get premarital counseling.

Premarital counseling is one of the best ways to start your marriage on a strong footing. As Christians, you want a long, happy marriage where divorce won’t be an option. Studies have found that premarital counseling helps couples learn to resolve conflicts constructively, develop strong communication skills, and negotiate parenting-related issues.

If you want to ensure many years of wedded bliss, online premarital counseling with a Christian focus can make a tremendous difference.

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What is online christian counseling?

You may be familiar with marital therapy and clergy-based therapy, but did you know you can get Christian counseling online? An online platform is ideal for busy couples because you can schedule appointments at your convenience and from the comfort of your home. You only need a computer and a good internet connection.

It’s also much more affordable than face-to-face counseling, which can cost $150 an hour or more. If you use a service like Faithful Counseling, you will be amazed at how much money you can save. Qualified counselors are available for a low monthly rate, and counselors are available around the clock.

What is premarital counseling?

Premarital counseling helps you understand the ups and downs of marriage.
Some churches require premarital counseling before a couple can marry. These rules were put in place by wise people who had been married and discovered that it isn’t always a bed of roses. These wise churches wanted future couples to know what to expect and how to cope with the inevitable changes that come once the wedding day is over.

The idea that “Marriage changes everything” might be an old saying, but it has a lot of truth. You could marry a person you’re totally crazy about and wake up one day next to a total stranger. You don’t know how things like stress, anger, family dynamics and different ways of handling conflict will make your loved one act. When you start fighting, you can’t stop, and the only way out seems to be a divorce.

The good news is that divorce rates are lower for people who get premarital counseling.

How premarital counseling can save your marriage

How premarital counseling can save your marriage

What will you talk about in premarital counseling? A counselor can help both of you uncover hidden patterns in your relationship, behaviors that prevent good communication, and what issues from your past might affect your future.
Premarital counseling helps couples work together to solve their issues. Here are a few things your Christian counselor can help you do.

Face tough issues before they blow up. How will you celebrate holidays, what church will you go to, how many children do you want, and how much time do you plan to spend with your in-laws? These are all questions that can make a marriage miserable if you don’t come to an agreement early.

Learn communication skills. Do you know how to ask for what you want in a marriage? Learning how to communicate also means learning how to fight constructively, forgive each other, and recommit to your marriage feeling stronger than ever.

Discuss finances. Did you know that money issues are one of the top reasons for divorce? Get your financial life out in the open, and have these discussions now. Don’t let money troubles throw your marriage for a loop.

Get some wisdom. Many faith-based counselors have been through marriage, and they have some personal experiences to share about its ups and downs.

Become a team. Premarital counseling helps you become a team. Are you willing to fight for this marriage? Do you have a teammate you can count on? Premarital Christian can help you fight for your marriage.

What are you waiting for?

Working with a counselor who shares your faith will make it easier for you to be open and honest about the role of faith in your marriage. These counselors are likely to share your views about building a lasting, happy marriage based on Christian principles.

How do you get started? The fastest way is by filling out a short questionnaire at the Faithful Counseling site. This brief, nonintrusive form will help the site find the right counselors for you.

Benefits of online therapy

Are you feeling uncertain about using online counseling? Here are some good reasons to try it.

Great selection of counselors

When you use a service like Faithful Counseling, you get access to thousands of counselors who share your faith. These therapists are highly qualified experts with advanced degrees and professional licenses.

Easier to discuss deeply personal issues

During therapy, your counselors will invite you both to talk openly about the most critical issues you will face in your marriage. These might include questions about having children, shared goals, emotional struggles you’ve had in the past, and ways to increase intimacy.

If you’re shy or you think it might be difficult to do this, online counseling is ideal. Some studies have found that using online counseling can help people be more honest than they typically are in face-to-face counseling. Openness is the key to successful premarital counseling.

Faithful Counseling also gives you the option to use nicknames or assumed names. Doing this may help you feel more comfortable talking about these personal issues.


You can schedule your sessions at times that are convenient for both of you. Do you both work different schedules? Do you lack transportation? It doesn’t matter. You can get the help you need without having to leave your home.


Nobody else will ever know what you talked about in your premarital counseling sessions. You can use an assumed name and schedule your sessions for times when nobody else is home. It will be just the two of you and your counselor.

Faithful counseling: The best online christian counseling

Faithful Counseling provides online therapy from highly qualified, licensed professionals who have a Biblical perspective.

At Faithful Counseling, you will find therapists who believe that therapy should enhance your psychological and spiritual wellbeing. They live their faith and are proud to share their beliefs.

These counselors combine training and expertise in mental health with Biblical wisdom to create practical tips for overcoming life’s challenges. For the first time, believers can find the help they need in a safe, private online setting.

How faithful counseling works

How faithful counseling works

At Faithful Counseling, you fill out an initial questionnaire regarding your needs and concerns. The platform matches you with a counselor. Finding a counselor can take just a few hours. At most, it may take a few days. If you think you’ll enjoy working with that counselor, you simply schedule an appointment.

Every counselor or therapist at Faithful Counseling has signed a Statement of Faith that you can read on the Faithful Counseling website.

Please note that Faithful Counseling does not provide counseling for spiritual or religious issues. It is not a site for pastoral counseling. It provides counseling for mental health issues and uses a Christian perspective to do so. These therapists use proven, evidence-based therapeutic techniques, but they also invite God into the conversation.

Faithful Counseling wants to ensure you’re working successfully with your counselor. If you don’t think they’re right for you, you can request a change.

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How much does faithful counseling cost?

A subscription at Faithful Counseling ranges from $60 to $90 a week, depending on the level of services you use. It is billed monthly rather than weekly.

What do you get for that?

  • Access to a huge online network of mental health counselors who are practicing Christians.
  • Ability to connect with your counselor any time.
  • Your choice of messages, live chat, phone calls or video calls.
  • Option to use nicknames or assumed names to protect your privacy.
  • Ability to cancel any time.
  • Monthly billing to your credit card, debit card or PayPal.

Because it is a subscription-based service, you can cancel Faithful Counseling any time. There is no contract and no cancellation fee.

Is Faithful counseling the best choice for online premarital counseling?

If your faith is primary in your life, it may be the best choice.

At Faithful Counseling, you will find counselors who share your spiritual beliefs and support your desire to make them the foundation of your marriage. Traditional therapy can be helpful, but it doesn’t include the spiritual element that is important to you.

You want premarital counseling because you want to know what to expect from marriage, how to overcome its challenges, and how to live joyfully together in your faith.

A Christian counselor uses proven therapy techniques combined with a strong spiritual focus. Many people say they felt spiritually refreshed after working with a faith-based counselor who is also highly trained.

If you’re looking for Christian counseling, Faithful Counseling may be the right choice for you. You get all the advantages of online counseling, and you also get but therapy based on Christian values.

Find online premarital counseling that works

Premarital counseling can strengthen your marriage and give you the best possible chance of success. Online counseling makes it easy and affordable to get the help you need. Once you register on the site, you'll find a counselor who shares your Christian values.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.