Metaphysical counseling. Best metaphysical therapist & practitioner

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Metaphysical counseling. Best metaphysical therapist & practitioner

Mental health is a topic that has become more important as the years have gone by, but some people want to care for more than that. They are interested in taking care of their souls, and they know that finding this type of help in the traditional realm is not always possible. Metaphysical counseling is the type of therapy that you may be seeking because it makes use of spiritual principles. Metaphysical counselors believe that the troubles that people have are the result of being out of alignment with their true selves. We need to find the imbalances that our belief systems are creating so that we can live in harmony again. This is the reason that you need to find the best metaphysical therapist and practitioner.

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Where can you find the best metaphysical therapist? - BetterHelp.

The best metaphysical therapists can be found at BetterHelp.

Three examples of metaphysical practitioners from BetterHelp.

The following metaphysical practitioners can be found on the BetterHelp website:

LaVerne Kalafor

LaVerne Kalafor is a metaphysical therapist with 38 years of experience helping people with traditional as well as metaphysical therapies. For example, she uses mindfulness techniques, guided meditation and interpersonal hypnotherapy to treat PTSD, anxiety, grief and depression. She specializes in helping her clients overcome several mental health conditions, including abandonment issues, problems communicating, mood disorders, issues with intimacy, attachment issues, divorce or separation, social anxiety, panic disorder and many more.

Alex Boianghu

Alex Boianghu has been a practicing therapist for more than 25 years. He received his training in Western and Eastern traditions and uses both to help his clients overcome their mental health conditions. In the last 12 years, he has been using EMDR therapy to treat patients with addiction and trauma in their backgrounds. He is also a teacher of yoga and meditation, and he employs these as a way of taking his clients on a spiritual journey. Mr. Boianghu specializes in depression, issues related to intimacy, relationship issues, stress and anxiety.

China Allen

China has been a practicing licensed professional therapist for the past 17 years. Along with cognitive-behavioral therapy, she also uses mind-body treatment interventions. She earned her doctorate degree in counseling psychology, but she also obtained training as a clinical hypnotherapist. In addition to that, she helps her clients become empowered by treating them with mindfulness-based stress reduction, emotional freedom techniques and other mind-based practices. Ms. Allen specializes in treating several conditions, including depression, trauma and abuse, addictions, stress and anxiety.

What Is BetterHelp

What is BetterHelp?

BetterHelp is an online platform that offers therapeutic services to the public. It is a portal that is extremely easy to use, and this makes it possible for more people to have the opportunity to get the mental health services that they have been unable to find at an affordable price. Anyone can sign up for the platform and be treated to therapeutic sessions with qualified, experienced counselors and therapists. However, BetterHelp is not recommended for you if you are in the middle of a crisis.

BetterHelp has several therapists on its roster. They are licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed professional therapists and licensed clinical social workers. Every therapist has a master’s degree, but some counselors have doctorate degrees. Before BetterHelp hires a therapist, that person must have completed 1,000 practice hours in a previous setting. Each therapist must also have three years of experience practicing their professions. They are all trained and certified by their states’ professional boards.

When you sign up for the platform, you will be directed to take a questionnaire. The questionnaire is essential because the system needs to learn as much about you and your circumstances as it can to provide you with a therapist. For example, the system will ask you where you live and how old you are. It also asks about the state of your mental health. With all of this information, the system’s algorithm can locate the most appropriate therapist for you and match you with that therapist.

Personalities are different, so the system cannot always promise to select a therapist with a personality that will perfectly match yours. With this being the case, you could discover that you don’t particularly care for the therapist the system chose for you. If this happens to you, you are free to request another therapist. You may do this until you are completely comfortable with the therapist the system chooses.

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How Does It Work

How does it work?

After the system selects a qualified therapist for you, it will send you a message. Then, you can meet your therapist by sending messages back and forth to each other. You also have the option of having therapy sessions with text messages. This option may be for you if you don’t mind having to wait for your therapist to respond to your texts. In the event that you would rather have sessions in real time, you may choose the “live chat” option. This option requires that you schedule an appointment with your therapist so that you can meet in the “therapy room.”

If messaging is not something that you believe that you want to do, you also have the option of speaking to your therapist in one of two ways. You may schedule an appointment for a phone session. Your therapist never needs to have your phone number because the system will dial your number for the therapist. This way, your confidentiality can be assured. You may also schedule an appointment for a video session. This option gives you the best of both worlds because you will be able to talk to your therapist and see him or her on the screen.

What makes metaphysical counseling from BetterHelp stand out?

Metaphysical counseling stands out because it gives you a personal experience. Our therapists do not accept insurance, so they are not required to follow an insurance company’s rules. Your therapy will be between you and your therapist because no one will be able to enter your therapy room but the two of you. If you don’t want to give the system your real name, you don’t have to do that. You can give a pseudonym that will not identify you.

This type of therapy appeals to people because they don’t want anyone to know that they are in therapy. The ability to attend your therapy sessions online means that it will be impossible for anyone to know about your therapy sessions. Unless you give other people permission to use your computer, your secret will be safe.

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How much does it cost?

Each week, the system will charge your account between $60 and $90. Every four weeks, the system will charge your credit card or PayPal account for the previous four weeks. The amount that you are charged each week entitles you to schedule meetings with your therapist as many times as you like, but this depends on the therapist’s availability. If you would like to stop using the service, you only need to cancel your subscription.

What is a metaphysical therapist?

A metaphysical therapist uses holistic approaches to treat patients’ mental health conditions and their traumas.

How can metaphysical counseling help?

A metaphysical therapist does not just focus on a patient’s symptoms. Instead, these therapists pay more attention to the patient’s spiritual side for the purpose of opening up new mental and emotional pathways. You may not be aware of your symptoms. You just know that something doesn’t feel right, and you don’t necessarily know what to tell your therapist.

A metaphysical therapist can begin by explaining the elements of which you are not immediately aware. This means that the therapist goes beyond the area that your senses can reach. Metaphysical therapy allows you to travel beneath the surface and discover who you really are. When who you are is no longer a mystery, you can feel free to leave your addictions in the past, get out of toxic relationships, and free yourself from stress and grief.

As was mentioned before, imbalances are responsible for the symptoms you are experiencing right now. The beliefs are not in your conscious being, so that is the reason that you are not entirely aware of them. These beliefs are responsible for the difficulties you are having, but your metaphysical therapist will bring these to the surface so that you can be free of them.

Metaphysical therapy also teaches you to examine yourself as you truly are so that you can understand yourself. Your therapist will be with you as you begin to find balance and harmony. This leads to a mind that is calm and causes you to live as your true and authentic self. Then, you will begin to know how you can make conscious choices that maintain your sense of balance. In the end, you will see a difference in your relationships, your sense of well being, and improvements in your career and finances.

Conclusion: Metaphysical counseling.

Spiritual forms of psychological therapy are growing in popularity, and you may not know where you can find this type of therapist. Traditional psychologists may not necessarily offer metaphysical counseling, but it is something that you can find on the internet. This option is highly convenient because you will visit with your metaphysical therapist on the phone or online, and the icing on the cake is the fact that it is so affordable.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.