Find the best spanish speaking and bilingual online marriage therapists

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Find the best spanish speaking and bilingual online marriage therapists

Problems in your marriage can affect every aspect of your life, including work, family relationships and your favorite activities. You may fight constantly, or your marriage may have encountered a major problem like infidelity. Whatever your marital problems are, you can find a therapist who will help you talk about your worries. If one of you speaks Spanish, you can find a therapist who speaks Spanish or is bilingual. When you sign up to an online counseling site like ReGain, you can choose all the requirements you need.

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How can bilingual marriage counseling help you?

Marriage therapy isn’t just for people having major marital conflicts. It can also help if you’re struggling to communicate, are unhappy about certain issues, or feel like the “spark” has gone out of your relationship. Maybe things changed after you had children, or maybe other life changes have affected your feelings for your spouse.

Counseling is a safe, private place where you can talk honestly about what you’re feeling. Your therapist is a neutral observer who can help guide you to a better understanding of each other. Working together, you'll create a plan to renew your relationship.

How to find the best option for online marriage counseling in spanish

Online counseling has become a popular way for people to find help with many mental health issues. A troubled marriage can affect your mental health. It can cause you to feel depressed, anxious, lonely, helpless and frightened.

There’s no need to continue feeling this way. Talking with a counselor can give you a clear vision of the future and a path out of unhappiness. You can recover your lost feelings for your partner.

We recommend ReGain for everyone who wants help with a marriage or relationship. While other online counseling sites provide help for general mental health issues, only ReGain has counselors who specialize in relationship counseling. You will find a bilingual or Spanish-speaking therapist who you’ll both be comfortable talking with.

What will you talk about in marriage therapy

What will you talk about in marriage therapy?

We know it’s difficult to talk about your private matters with a stranger. A ReGain marriage therapist is skilled at listening and offering guidance. When you speak with an online counselor, you can talk in total privacy and anonymity. Your counselor can help you and your partner talk openly without wasting time on pointless arguments.

There are some common issues that affect every marriage.

Handling conflict: Do you have occasional fights, or do you find yourselves constantly sniping at each other? Every couple has its own way of handling conflict. Your counselor can show you how to handle differences without fighting. You’ll learn constructive ways to deal with disagreements.

Money: Money is one of the chief causes of conflict between partners. It’s also one of the main reasons they divorce. If you have different ways of managing your finances, those differences can tear you apart. A therapist can help you understand each other’s viewpoints and work out a compromise on this important issue.

Sex and intimacy: Lack of intimacy can lead to problems in any marriage. If you no longer feel close to your partner, you will feel lonely, even if you’re sharing the same house and the same bed. A therapist can give you practical, simple techniques for restoring intimacy.

Family: If you have children, they can be a source of joy, but they can also cause stress in your marriage. Do you have different views about discipline and other issues related to your children? If you don’t have children, is that by choice, or is it another cause of unhappiness in your marriage?

In-laws and blended families: Family also means your in-laws. How much time do you want to spend with each other’s families? It also means blended families, which include stepchildren and former partners. If any of these people are interfering in your relationship, your problems may seem impossible to fix. A counselor can show you how to set boundaries and put your marriage first.

Goals and expectations: What are your goals and dreams for your marriage? Everyone has an ideal vision of marriage. If your relationship doesn’t fit your expectations, a counselor can help you take a realistic look at your situation.

Shared goals: When you married, you had the same goals for the future. You were moving in the same direction, and you were headed there together. Now, you feel you’ve drifted apart. With the help of an online counselor, you can get back on track.

Fidelity: Has your marriage been hurt by infidelity? Is one of you chronically unfaithful? An affair can be very damaging. It can even make one or both of you consider getting a divorce. Before you file, consider talking to a counselor who can help you see your options clearly.

Benefits of online bilingual marriage counseling

Are you familiar with online therapy? While traditional, in-person therapy has some benefits, online counseling at ReGain has many advantages.

  • Convenience: There’s no need to look for a therapist on a search engine or a website. At ReGain, you fill out an easy form and get matched to a therapist who's right for you.
  • Ease of scheduling: You don’t have to schedule your appointments according to a therapist’s office hours. With online therapy, you schedule appointments according to your schedule. You can talk to someone from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
  • Price: Online therapy is much more affordable than traditional therapy. Most online counseling centers bill weekly, and your weekly payment is less than the hourly rate of most in-person therapists.
  • Ease of use: It takes only a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire on ReGain. The platform is easy enough for anyone to use.
  • Effectiveness: Online therapists have the same training and qualifications that traditional therapists have. Online therapy works well. Studies have found that 90% of people who get online therapy are happy with their treatment.
  • Confidentiality: ReGain and other online counseling sites follow the strictest privacy regulations. It is a safe, secure site where your information is completely confidential.
  • Anonymity: If you prefer to stay anonymous, you can use an assumed name when you’re on ReGain.
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Are online therapists qualified?

Marriage therapists are licensed and insured. They have master’s degrees in psychology, counseling, social work or marital therapy. Some are accredited by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). These counselors are experts at helping people at every stage of their relationship.

Most online counselors share these credentials. They also have at least 1,000 hours of experience in hands-on counseling. Each counselor must go through a background and credentials check before they can be part of the network.

ReGain has therapists who speak Spanish. You can find a bilingual therapist who can help you talk openly about your marriage.

ReGainThe best option for online bilingual marriage therapy

ReGain: The best option for online bilingual marriage therapy

ReGain is the largest online network of marriage and family therapists. Couples use ReGain to get discreet, affordable help for their marital problems. With ReGain, a couple shares an account, but each spouse can also speak privately with the therapist.

Couples of all backgrounds are welcome at ReGain. With thousands of available therapists, you are certain to find one who speaks your language.

How ReGain works

It is easy to get started with online counseling at ReGain. Begin by filling out the online questionnaire. It takes only a few minutes.

The online matching system begins at once. In a few hours, you will be matched with a counselor. You can contact your therapist and schedule your first appointment.

What is special about ReGain

ReGain stands out from other online counseling sites because it is the only one devoted strictly to couples counseling. The site also offers interesting, informative articles on relationship issues.

ReGain is flexible. You can choose the way you prefer to talk with a counselor. The platform supports live online chat, telephone calls, video calls and a virtual chat room.

The virtual room is available 24-7. It is a secure site where you can speak privately with your counselor. Use it to post your thoughts, ask questions or otherwise communicate with your counselor. Your counselor can see your posts and respond to them.

You can also schedule longer, in-depth discussions with your therapist. You choose how much involvement you want. If only one of you wants to sign up, you can do so as an individual. Later, you can invite your spouse to join your therapy sessions.

Pricing and payment

ReGain costs $60 to $90 a week, depending on the therapist you are matched with. You will be billed every four weeks to a credit card, debit card or PayPal account. You can cancel whenever you wish.

Recover your relationship with online bilingual marriage therapy

Marriage counseling can help you resolve conflicts and rediscover your feelings for each other. Thousands of couples have healed their relationships with the help of online therapy. Couples counseling with ReGain is a convenient, affordable alternative to traditional therapy. The sooner you start, the sooner you can recover the joy and love in your marriage. Start by filling out the online questionnaire.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.