Finding the Right Somatic Therapy Near You

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen

Discovering a suitable somatic therapist in your area can be instrumental in healing from past traumas and achieving personal growth. In this article, we will guide you through various types of somatic therapy practitioners, their different methods, and what to expect during your therapeutic journey. Let us explore the world of somatic therapy together and find the perfect match for your individual needs.

A Closer Look at Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach that concentrates on the mind-body connection for achieving emotional well-being, overcoming physical limitations, and addressing feelings associated with traumatic experiences. This type of therapy utilizes an array of techniques and practices such as movement, breathing exercises, touch, and visualization to help clients reconnect with their bodies and release pent-up emotions that could be causing physical and psychological distress.

Different Types of Somatic Practitioners


The term “therapist” encompasses a wide range of professionals who provide somatic psychotherapy services. Many are licensed mental health professionals such as psychologists, clinical social workers, or marriage and family therapists with specialized training in somatic therapy approaches. It is crucial to verify the credentials and qualifications of your chosen therapist before commencing treatment.


Counselors, similar to therapists, are trained in mental health disciplines but may not have advanced degrees in psychology or related fields. However, many counselors specialize in specific areas such as addiction, trauma, or stress management and can integrate somatic therapy into their practice to offer comprehensive support and guidance for their clients.

Movement Educators

Movement educators, also known as movement therapists or somatic movement educators, use the principles of body awareness and movement analysis to help clients explore their physical sensations, patterns, and limitations. They usually have a background in dance, yoga, or other movement disciplines and hold specific training and certifications in somatic movement education.

Directories as a Valuable Resource

Finding a somatic therapy practitioner near you is easier than ever by utilizing directories dedicated to mental health professionals and therapeutic services. These directories allow you to search for therapists, counselors, and movement educators based on your location, preferences, and the type (or combination) of somatic therapy that you are interested in. Some popular online directories include Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, and the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Directory.

What to Expect from Your Somatic Therapy Experience

Intake and Assessment

The initial session with a somatic therapist typically begins with an intake process, where you will provide information about your personal history, any existing medical conditions, and the reason for seeking therapy. The therapist may also assess your movement patterns, posture, and general body language. During this phase, it is essential to voice any concerns, questions, or expectations you may have regarding the therapy process.

Setting Goals and Developing a Treatment Plan

Together with your practitioner, you will set goals for your therapy journey and create a personalized treatment plan. This plan could involve weekly individual sessions, group therapy, support networks, or additional complementary practices like meditation, journaling, or physical exercise. Keep in mind that these plans should be adaptable and may change throughout your therapy experience depending on your progress and unique needs.

Evolution and Progression

Your growth and healing during somatic therapy will depend on many factors such as your commitment, emotional readiness, rapport with your practitioner, and the severity of the issues being addressed. It is vital to maintain open communication with your practitioner and give them feedback about your feelings and progress so they can adjust accordingly.

Financial Assistance and Health Coverage

Finding affordable somatic therapy options may seem challenging at first, but many therapists and organizations offer sliding scale fees depending on your financial situation and needs. Additionally, some health insurance providers cover somatic psychotherapy services, especially when provided by licensed practitioners. It is recommended to research your insurance coverage and inquire about any additional costs during your initial consultation.

Support Networks Enhance Healing and Growth

Connecting with other individuals who have navigated through similar experiences can be an invaluable support system. Participating in group therapy sessions or online forums allows you to share your thoughts, insights, and challenges while receiving encouragement and understanding from others immersed in somatic therapy. Surrounding yourself with empathetic connections enhances healing and personal growth outside therapeutic settings.

A Final Word

The journey towards healing and self-discovery through somatic therapy can be transformative, enlightening, and deeply rewarding. With the guidance and support of qualified practitioners and a community of like-minded individuals, you will create lasting change and nurture healthier connections with your body, mind, and emotions. Begin your search for somatic therapy near you today to embark on this powerful path towards wellness and fulfillment.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.

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