Black marriage counseling online / Near me. African american counselors

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
Black marriage counseling online

Conflict is an inevitable part of every relationship. At some point in time, every couple will go through problems, whether they are related to sex life, infidelity, financial hardships, or other stressors.

When these problems arise, they tend to exacerbate tension between couples and bring the hidden cracks in their relationship to the surface. We often brush the unpleasantries of married life under the rug without dealing with them despite the evident urgency.

Over time, the issues become more significant and are unfortunately exposed at a time of life that is already difficult. Fortunately, marriage counseling or therapy can be of great help. Sometimes, it is good to have a third person in the equation to make sense of things and facilitate communication.

Depending on your personal ease and preference, you might want to talk to an African American marriage counselor virtually. But that additional person should not be just anyone around the block or your friend's mother. It should be a trained and qualified professional.

This guide will discuss a reliable online source to find black marriage counselors to save your marriage and get rid of the resentful feelings deteriorating your relationship.

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Best black marriage counseling online — Regain

Regain is the largest network of experienced, accredited, and licensed therapists in the world, helping you get in touch with the right counselor for your needs.

The professionals on Regain are equipped to deal with all sorts of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, and strained relationships.

Regain is entirely online, which is possibly the best thing about the platform, considering the health hazards posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the general reluctance of many couples to see a therapist in person.

According to the American Association of Retired Persons, many couples are stuck in the repetitive loop of bickering and arguing over the same thing. Now, when it comes to human beings, we come in all forms, and we all have different ways to deal with conflict.

Some are big on confrontations, while others tend to give silent treatment after an argument. Meanwhile, some people are passive-aggressive. Not understanding each other's coping mechanisms can often create a drift between couples, limiting civil communication.

Such couples might find it hard to agree on going to a counselor in person. On the other hand, virtual marriage counseling allows them to work on their problems from the comfort of their homes under the supervision of an accredited and well-trained professional.

Regain matches you with the best therapist for your particular circumstances, depending on your preferences.

You have to answer some questions about your religious preferences, sexuality, income, and other things. After that, Regain finds the counselor specializing in the problems you are facing.

If you particularly want an African American marriage counselor, Regain has some highly competent professionals.

Examples of african american marriage counselors at Regain

Here are some black marriage counselors you can expect to be matched with by Regain:

Jude Austin

Dr. Jude Austin is a licensed Professional Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor, and Marriage and Family Therapy Associate with a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision.

He teaches Professional Counseling at the University of Mary Hardin Baylor. In fact, he is also the Clinical Coordinator of the university's program.

Along with that, he has a private practice in Texas, where he helps families, couples, and individuals with their personal and mental health problems.

He has also co-authored two books the American Counseling Association published, namely Surviving and Thriving in your Counseling Program and Counselor Self-Care.

Rabiia Ali

Dr. Rabiia Ali is a marriage and family therapist specializing in anxiety, depression, and trauma recovery.
Her work revolves around humanistic and person-centered theory, which means she is all about what you need.

Her client focus is black and African American couples. Besides straight couples, she also specializes in helping couples from bisexual, intersex, lesbian, sex worker, transgender, veteran, HIV/AIDs, open-relationship, and queer communities.

Jessica Balmir

Dr. Jessia Balmir is an experienced licensed marriage and family therapist. She has worked for a considerable period in the mental healthcare industry and social services.

Besides marriage counseling, she is also skilled in crisis intervention, case management, family therapy, and clinical supervision.

What Is Regain and How Does it Work

What is Regain and how does it work?

Regain is the most extensive couples therapy online service in the world with more than nine thousand therapists to help you bring your relationship back on track.

The platform matches you with the perfect counselor for your situation.
Then, you get online sessions from your counselor without having to go through the hassle of a long commute.

How does it work?

Regain's application and counselor finding process is completely online, giving you the liberty of getting the best therapist without even moving from your bed. Here is how the process goes:

Take a quick assessment

Start by taking an assessment, answering questions about yourself, such as your age, sexuality, income, whether the pandemic has affected you, the kind of troubles you are having, etc.

You can also invite your partner if you want. Looking at your answers, Regain will choose the best therapist for your specific situation.

Get matched to a therapist

Regain has more than nine thousand counselors on its network. Looking through the list yourself will be too tedious. Therefore, Regain picks out the best therapist for you based on your answers.

Regain only lists experienced, accredited, and licensed therapists who can deal with many issues.


Once Regain has found a therapist for you, it is time to communicate with your counselor and resolve your issues. You can talk to your therapist through different means, including phone, video, and messages.

Regain has the additional advantage of giving you multiple communication options. So, you can pick something that is convenient and comfortable for both you and your partner.

Connect whenever you need

You can get in touch with your counselor whenever you need them from wherever you are. If the time is right, you can even schedule a session with your therapist via your computer, tablet, or phone. It is as easy as it gets.

Sign up for the platform today to access thousands of qualified marriage and mental health professionals in one place.

What Makes Black Marriage Counseling Sessions from Regain Stand Out

What makes black marriage counseling sessions from Regain stand out?

Regain's marriage counseling model is preferred by most couples because it is easy to use, accessible, and supported by licensed professionals. Here are some things that make black marriage counseling sessions from Regain stand out:

It is online

Online therapy experienced a significant boom when the pandemic started as telehealth became the best alternative in the wake of the social distancing protocols put in place. According to a Very Well survey, 56% of the respondents who were previously taking in-person therapy switched to online therapy during the pandemic.

92% of the respondents said they are satisfied with their online therapy experiences.

However, the pandemic was not the only reason for them to do so. 92% of them said they liked online therapy due to its ease of use, 91% said they wanted the privacy it offered, 91% preferred the response time, 86% were happy about the additional security.

In comparison, 82% switched because online therapy proved to be cost-effective.

Regain offers online marriage therapy, providing ease of use, quick response time, high quality of counseling, privacy, better cost, and security to couples.

The American Psychological Association also asserts that online therapy is here to stay, even after the pandemic, which means Regain's online therapy model is sustainable and client-centric.

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Multiple means of communication

Not everyone is comfortable sitting in a therapist's office talking face-to-face with a professional, telling them things they have shared with anyone before. Likewise, not every person prefers using a phone.

Regain offers multiple methods of communication, such as messaging, phone, and video sessions. You can consult your therapist in whatever way you and your spouse find most convenient.


With Regain, it does not matter if you are at home or sitting in the other corner of the country. You can avail marriage counseling regardless of your geographical location.

Moreover, it is easy to message your therapist whenever you need it. If possible, you can also schedule a consultation on call or video.

Easy switching

With traditional in-office marriage counseling, switching your therapist is quite laborious and sometimes even impossible.

Regain, on the other hand, allows you to switch your marriage counselor easily, ensuring that you work with the professional you are most comfortable with.

Fully HIPAA-Compliant

Everything from the sign-up to the consultation is confidential on Regain. When you sign up on the platform, you can choose any nickname you want.

Upon starting therapy, the platform asks for an emergency contact, which your counselor only accesses in the event that you or someone close to you may be in danger. Regain has strict guidelines in place to ensure HIPAA compliance and patient confidentiality.

Regain pricing

Regain has a membership-based pricing model. The cost of counseling for a week ranges between $60 and $90. You are billed every four weeks. Moreover, you can cancel the membership whenever you like.

Conclusion on black marriage counseling near me or online

Marriage counseling is imperative in some cases, especially if you and your partner have been unhappy for a long time or argue excessively. Regain brings thousands of marriage counselors on the same platform, matching you with the one best for your needs.

Whether you want to salvage your relationship or aim for an amicable divorce, in the unfortunate event of one, you need to make sure you talk to licensed and qualified professionals.

Regain allows you to talk to your therapist through phone or video call besides messaging them from wherever you are, whenever you need.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.