LGBT online therapy. Gay friendly LGBTQ therapist online & counseling

Maud Geesen
By Maud Geesen
LGBT online therapy. Gay friendly LGBTQ therapist online & counseling

For many members of the LGBT community, it can feel like there’s nowhere to turn when the going gets tough. Whether you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, or issues related to sexual identity, it might seem that you have no one to talk to. Even supportive friends often lack the professional expertise to make sense of your concerns, while generic therapists won’t understand the nuances of how your identity affects your well-being. In these cases, it’s best to seek out counseling that’s specially designed for the LGBT community.

If you’re not sure whether there are LGBT specialists in your area, you can always turn to remote counseling. Several online platforms offer the same advantages of in-person counseling without requiring you to even leave your home. All you’ll need is a decent internet connection and a bit of free time throughout the week.

Pride Counseling, an online service designed to serve the LGBT community, is an affordable, effective option for individual therapy. Other organizations, including Mindout, Talkspace, and Imaan, offer similar services. With so many excellent options to choose from, you should have no trouble finding a remote counseling option that suits your situation.

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Online therapy for members of the LGBT community

There are several reasons why online therapy is a great choice for members of the LGBT community. For one thing, it gives you easy access to the specific counselors you need. While you might be able to find an LGBT therapist somewhere in your region, you would likely have to travel a fair distance for in-person sessions. Online therapy eliminates the need for this cumbersome travel, giving you the chance to receive therapy without adding long commutes to your weekly routine.

Online therapy is also more affordable than most in-person counseling. Since financial hardship is often a leading cause of anxiety, an overly expensive therapy program might do more harm than good. A reasonably priced remote platform will allow you to get the help you need without breaking the bank and compounding the stress in your life.

Anxiety counseling with gay therapists online

Anxiety counseling with gay therapists online

While anxiety is a common issue among the entire population, it’s especially prevalent within the LGBT community. This is due in large part to the overwhelming discrimination queer folks continue to face. If you think your sexual or gender identity is contributing to your anxiety, you should consider working with a gay therapist. The counselors at a specialized LGBT counseling service will be members of the LGBT community themselves. This perspective allows them to address your concerns from a place of shared experience. Many clients find that this mutual understanding is essential for unearthing the root causes of anxiety and working toward lasting solutions.

Help with depression and thoughts of suicide

Depression is another issue that’s often exacerbated by discrimination. As a member of the LGBT community, you’ve likely experienced periods of feeling low as a result of being mistreated. Sometimes, this general malaise can become mild or severe depression. In the worst cases, suicidal thinking can even develop. If you’re considering doing yourself harm, you should seek professional assistance immediately. Experienced counselors, especially those who specialize in LGBT concerns, should be able to help you reach a better mental place.

Issues of sexual identity

You’re far from alone if you’re dealing with issues concerning your sexual identity. Many individuals struggle to square their inherent desires with an unforgiving social world of rigid expectations. Sometimes, just talking about these types of problems is the first step towards solving them. This is where a counselor with a focus on the LGBT community is especially helpful. For therapy to work, you’ll need to talk with someone who understands the complex dynamics of being queer in a discriminatory and inflexible society. The therapists on Pride Counseling and similar platforms will have the background knowledge necessary to help you navigate these challenging circumstances.

Gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is one of the biggest issues facing many members of the LGBT community. Sensing that your gender identity doesn’t match your body or society’s expectations can create significant stress and unease. This feeling is often the underlying cause of other problems like anxiety and depression. If you’re experiencing gender dysphoria, speaking with a licensed therapist is usually the best way to get help. An LGBT specialist who has seen such cases before and may even have experienced something similar themselves will be uniquely placed to understand the nuances of the situation. By listening carefully and putting your struggles in context, your therapist will be able to come up with meaningful recommendations for creating a version of yourself that matches your innate expectations.

Online therapy for LGBTQ

If you’re experiencing any of the problems outlined above, LGBT counseling likely represents your best chance of finding a solution. While tracking down an accredited LGBT specialist in your area might be difficult, you’ll have no trouble finding the counseling you need on the internet. Online platforms recreate the experience of traditional therapy in a digital space. You’ll be able to communicate with a therapist on your own terms, basing interactions on your habits, preferences, and daily schedule. Alongside the affordable pricing, the convenience of online therapy makes it an obvious choice for LGBT folks in search of professional counseling.

Online LGBT therapy options

There are a number of excellent online platforms for LGBT therapy. Some of the best services include:

  • Pride Counseling
  • MindOut
  • Talkspace
  • Imaan

While all of these services provide you with experienced counselors who understand LGBT issues inside and out, they each have particular strengths and unique formats. After learning a little about each platform, you’ll be ready to decide which is right for your situation.

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Finding LGBT therapy “Near me”

Finding LGBT therapy “Near me”

As vital an intervention as therapy can be, most people would still rather it be as convenient as possible. You’re far from alone if you’re wondering, “What’s the best LGBT therapy near me?” Well, it hardly gets any closer than your own living room. With the internet full of excellent LGBT counseling services, you should have no trouble getting the help you need without leaving your home.

It’s not finding an online counseling service that’s difficult but choosing between the excellent options. Each service has its own specialty and a unique set of advantages. Here’s a look at some of the platforms that are worth looking into.

Pride counseling

Pride Counseling is a comprehensive online therapy provider geared toward members of the LGBT community. All counselors are fully accredited and have experience with LGBT clients. Once you’ve been matched with a therapist, you’ll be able to communicate through video conferences, instant messages, live chats, and phone calls. This flexibility, coupled with the professionalism and experience of the therapists, makes the platform the premier option for LGBT counseling on the web.

MindOut online queer therapy

As its name suggests, MindOut is an organization attempting to help members of the LGBT community openly embody the truest version of themselves. Based in the United Kingdom, MindOut offers online therapy to people around the world. The group’s counselors are diverse and understanding, allowing them to connect with clients on a personal level.


Talkspace has long been a leader in the online therapy industry. With a massive team of accredited therapists, the company has the resources to assist with almost any mental health issue imaginable, including those commonly faced by members of the LGBT community.


Imaan is an LGBTQ support group for queer individuals from a Muslim background. If your mental health issues are occurring at the intersection of your sexual identity and faith, then Imaan is likely to be a useful resource. The group can provide all sorts of emotional support and logistical assistance.

Online queer therapy explained

Like most forms of counseling, LGBT therapy is based on simple conversations with your therapist. During the initial conversations, your counselor will encourage you to speak openly about yourself and your situation. From there, the counselor will ask guiding questions in an attempt to fully understand the circumstances and uncover all underlying causes. Once the licensed professional feels confident in their assessment, they’ll offer recommendations for improving your mental health and increasing your sense of well-being. It’s your job as the client to act on these recommendations and check for meaningful results.

It’s important to be patient throughout the counseling process. Even with professional assistance, many complicated issues are difficult to resolve. Give your therapist the benefit of the doubt, and don’t put your head down if the results come slowly. The key is to take your time and trust the process.

Conclusion: Therapy’s liberating potential

Even with the support of the LGBT community, living as a queer individual in a discriminatory world is often exhausting. It’s only natural that you would want a helping hand. Online LGBT therapy, with its proven track record and exceptional accessibility, is a great option for most queer individuals. The experienced counselors at Pride Counseling and similar platforms will understand the issues you’re facing. They’ll also have some strategies in mind for overcoming whatever it is that’s holding you back. To push your problems aside and become a better version of yourself, consider signing up for online LGBT counseling today.

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Maud Geesen
Maud Geesen

Dr Maud Geesen is a general practitioner graduated from Claude Bernard University. Passionate about psychiatry, psychology and personal development she now focuses on helping people on these levels.